Hello, all of my film buffs! Or all of my film beginners, I’m not partial. Has tackling audio in post-production seemed really daunting? We have all been there, and don’t worry; I’m about to tell you how to fade out audio in Final Cut Pro. In no time, your dialogue and sound effects will be smooth like butter. Or whatever pun you prefer to go with. We love a good pun. Let’s dive right in and talk about why you would even want to do this. It’s something we have been told for a long time. But as you know, I enjoy knowing why you are doing something. It gives you a little more motivation, don’t you think?

How To Fade Out Audio In Final Cut Pro

How To Fade Out Audio In Final Cut Pro: 2 Methods

Method #1: Modify

  1. Modify
  2. Adjust Audio Fades
  3. Apply Audio Fades

The Modify Method will automatically add fades to the beginning and end of your audio track.

How To Fade Out Audio In Final Cut Pro - Adjust Audio Fades

Pro Tip #1: Expand audio

Always expand your audio from your clip before starting to work on it. When you smooth out your fades, you don’t want this to affect your video clip. If you are going to expand your audio, please note that you cannot undo this feature unless you make a new compound clip. I am telling you right now; it’s not even worth the risk. Practice makes better, so if you would like to do that before tackling your audio, be sure to duplicate a clip or two at the end of your project and start there. I highly recommend this so you don’t mess up and edit. 

  1. Right-click the clip you want to expand (or all of them if you want this for the whole project)
  2. Expand Audio (do not use “Detach Audio” unless you understand the difference) 
  3. Keyboard Shortcut: control-s
How To Fade Out Audio In Final Cut Pro - Expand Audio

Pro Tip #3: Blend Your Fades

If you leave the fades as they are, all you will get is an abrupt fade out from one line and a fade into the other. But if you drag your audio clips over one another, you can get a much smoother blend. And that is why you always expand your audio before working on it.

How To Fade Out Audio In Final Cut Pro - Blend Your Fades

Method #2: Fade Handles

Drag your fade handles on the right or left side to fade without using the modify feature.

How To Fade Out Audio In Final Cut Pro - Fade Handles

With either method, you can adjust the fade duration by dragging the fade handles to the left or right. I find the fade handles to be much easier since it gives you more control from the beginning. It also saves a lot of time since there is no keyboard shortcut to apply fades from the Modify method. 

Why Fade Out Audio In Final Cut Pro?

The number one reason why you want to fade out your audio is that you want quality audio. As bright-eyed filmmakers, the first thing we are told is that bad audio will ruin a movie. There are no questions about it. Therefore it’s absolutely vital that we have good-quality audio from the get-go. 

Good quality film audio is crucial for enhancing the viewing experience and immersing the audience in the story. It helps to create a believable and dynamic world, adding depth and emotion to scenes. If you don’t have quality audio, it can take away from the film’s overall impact and give you a cranky audience. No one wants to pour their heart and soul into a movie only to have an audience member say the audio was bad. That should be the last thing they are worried about. 

When I talk about audio, I’m not just talking about dialogue. Sound effects and score also play a massive role in creating dynamic stories, so you must mix them well. That is why filmmakers spend a significant amount of time and resources to ensure that they have quality sound. One of the ways they do that is ADR

I understand that things happen on set. Too many planes fly overhead, and you need to make your day. But starting with the best audio possible, especially when you don’t plan to ADR, is essential. That means finding the right sort of microphones to suit your needs. 

Keep in mind that ADR is not the only time you need to be fading out your audio. This applies to on-set audio as well. That is why for this example, I’m going to be using our short film, Terms And Conditions May Apply.

This was all set audio with some minor tweaks to the sound effects. I chose this because I want you to hear the transitions between dialogue since the actors are talking over each other in some parts.

Common FAQS About How To Fade Audio In Final Cut Pro

Can you remove fades?

You absolutely can. The easiest way to do this is as follows: 

  1. Select your clip, or multiple clips, that you want to remove the fade from.
  2. Click Modify > Adjust Audio Fades > Remove fades

Or, if you want to remove one fade and not both, click on the fade you want to remove. You can also drag your fade handles all the way left or right. (Depending on which one you want to remove)

How To Fade Out Audio In Final Cut Pro - Remove Fades

Does Final Cut override fades?

No, if you already have a fade applied to a clip, if you use the Modify feature and apply a fade, it won’t override the one you already have. 

Can I do multiple fades?

You would have to split a clip in the spot you wanted to apply the fade and apply it with one of the methods above. 

Can I change the duration of Final Cut’s default fade?

Yes, you can!

  1. Final Cut Pro Preferences
  2. Editing
  3. Audio Fade
How To Fade Out Audio In Final Cut Pro - Change Fade Duration

More Final Cut Pro Audio Tutorials

Here are a few more Final Cut Pro audio resources for you.

We have successfully fade out audio in Final Cut Pro!

As you can see, it’s incredibly easy to do. Even though it’s simple, it’s essential! You are ready to take on the world of blending and fades to bring your audio to life. Now you can stress a little less when someone says, “we will fix it in post.” At the end of the day, that is what the filmmaking journey is all about. I hope you were able to follow these simple steps on how to add fades in Final Cut Pro.

Let me know in our socials if this was useful to you. Happy filmmaking!